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USAC East Coast Announces Format Changes For 2022 Season

USAC East Coast Announces Format Changes For 2022 Season

Nick Fillman, USAC ECSC, December 21st, 2021.

Following team discussion during the Performance Racing Industry Show about parity within the series, The Rapid Tire Services, USAC East Coast Sprint Car Series, Presented by Capitol Renegade will have a slightly different format for the 2022 racing season.

For the 2022 season, ALL events will feature an open draw for heat race starting position, which has been the standard operating procedure since the series inception, and will not change for the season.

Heat races will be determined by draw, and will vary in length depending upon the track the series is in competition at, which again, is no different than any other year. Staying consistent with prior years, a set number of cars: four for a two heat format, three for a three heat race format, two for a four heat format will now be eligible for the series handicapping invert which is new for 2022 instead of a redraw from prior years.

The first three events of the 2022 season will be an open draw for heat races, and a redraw for the top eight or nine from the heat races. Following the first three events of the season, whichever they may be, the top eight or nine will be handicapped and inverted based off of series points standings.

For example, if the top eight drivers in points all made the feature invert, they would line up as follows:

1st: 8th in points
2nd: 7th in points
3rd: 6th in points
4th: 5th in Points
5th: 4th in points
6th: 3rd in points
7th: 2nd in points
8th: 1st in points.

This format will be in effect for the entirety of the 2022 season, following completion of the first three events of the season. The invert will also be based off of the top 25 drivers in series points only, who have competed in at least three events, and is not only for the top ten. The line up above is only an example.

Drivers MUST COMPETE IN THREE EVENTS, and be WITHIN THE TOP 25 in points before they are qualified for the invert. Meaning, a driver who has not competed in three events, or is not within the top 25, will start BEHIND points inversion cars.

Example with two non-eligible cars making the invert.

1st 25th or better in points who has competed in three events
6th Highest car in points who has competed in three events
7th non-eligible car from heat 1
8th non-eligible car from heat 2

The final two positions could also be determined if both non eligible cars came from the same heat, and would then be determined from finishing position. This again is only an example and any number of cars who have not run three races could potentially make the invert.

This format has been implemented in order to help with parity in series feature events, and allow different drivers the opportunity to have a shot at starting at the front of the field and gain experience, rather than the luck of the feature redraw.

Also, for the 2022 season, the USAC East Coast Sprint Car Series will be eliminating the “Green, White, Checkered” format from the series rule book. Instead, should a caution flag fly on the final lap of a feature event, or any qualifying event, the restart will be a Green then Checkered finish.

Stay up to date with any other news updates, and information about the 2022 racing season by following along on our social media pages! On Facebook at: USAC East Coast Sprint Cars, and on Twitter at: @USACecsc.

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