News from the Source

Scott Winters - Season Kicking into Gear

Scott Winters - Season Kicking into Gear

Scott Winters – Season Kicking into Gear!
(Kole Faragher) June 1, 2011 – After a couple weeks off due to Mother Nature, Memorial Day weekend brought Scott Winters back to the track. What was supposed to be a four race weekend was shortened into two completed shows, and not the results he was looking for.

The weekend opened up last Thursday at I-80 Speedway in Greenwood, Neb. driving for 360 car owner Gary Swenson. This marked the first night Scott would get to drive the #24A after Jackson’s Spring Nationals rained out to open the year. The team’s night ended early after an incident in the heat race with Justyn Cox. The next night’s plan of attending McCool Junction Speedway to the west was also scratched after the #24A ended up on its lid.

“We had a great draw to start out the year with the new team only to get taken out in the heat,” he says. “I don’t know what he was thinking, but it ruined our first weekend at the track together. I feel bad for the Gary and the guys as we didn’t get much track time. We’ll be back down for the Eagle Nationals (on June 10 and 11).”

An earlier than expected drive back to Butterfield, Minn. helped prepare the family #23w for a couple nights of racing at Huset’s Speedway in Brandon, S.Dak. The team’s first night at the track saw 33 total 410 sprints sign in.

Under NOSA rules, no time trials happened and everyone would draw for heating positions and passing points would be utilized. A little confusion as to what heat Winters would be put in was finally figured out, and he would be in the fourth and final heat of the night.

A constant mist welcomed the big crowd, and helped keep the track narrow throughout the heats. Winters started sixth and only managed a fifth place finish, putting him on the pole for the ‘B’ Feature. Scott walked away from the caution-filled ‘B’, which put him starting 19th in the ‘A.’

“I just made too many mistakes in the heat. Austin (McCarl) got around us early and I was trying to get in a rhythm,” he explains. “I found a pretty good rhythm there in the ‘B’ and had high hopes for a charge to the front in the ‘A.’

The charge to the front was on from deep for Scott. After a lap seven red flag, Winters had worked his way up to 11th for the ensuing restart. He had been hammering the cushion on both ends of the track, but would spin out on lap twelve, and pull it in after a few more laps.

“I just messed up there in turns one and two,” a dejected Winters stated. “I was coming (to the front) and just screwed up. It wasn’t worth wrecking anything on the car with only half the race left so I pulled it in.

“I have to thank all my friends and family for coming down from the Butterfield area. My mom counted about forty people up in the stands in their section,” he states. “I just wish I could have given everyone more to cheer about. I think we could have worked our way into the top five.”

Monday’s race was called during preliminary action due to approaching severe weather and is still waiting a make-up date to be scheduled for the popular “Beef Night.” Scott did time in at fourth quick of the 20 cars in the pits on the very heavy and sloppy surface with a time at 11.524

The upcoming week’s plans probably include a return to Huset’s on Sunday following cousin Nick’s wedding on Saturday. As usual, keep an on eye on the Facebook page to see an official word!

Blast from the Past
Scott set quick time last year at Huset’s on May 30, in front of the 25 cars on the NOSA card. He moved up to finish fourth from his eighth place starting spot. On the next night he would go to the back for the popular, and now defunct, Back Row Challenge. After starting 15th, he would charge to finish sixth.

The Winters Motorsports team would like to thank their sponsors for everything that they do: T&K Transport, Wayne Harbitz with NuTech Seeds, NAM Design, The Keystyone Brew Krew, and the BFD Boys.

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