News from the Source

Awards banquet pictures

Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures
Awards banquet pictures

Fun was had last Saturday at the awards banquet.
First we had Happy hour, then moved on to Dinner which was catered by Magia's from Irvington. The dinner and menu were set up by Lisa Leighton and was very organized if I must say myself. We were served by two pretty young women Mona Kosiski ans Shelley Kosiski. A big thank you to all involved in the dinner.
I thought the food was great. We had some honored guest Joe and Steve Kosiski and Jay Burdic from Malvern Bank took a few minutes to explain his sponsorship program. Dan Taylor and Sarah made our slide show presentation.
Stan Cisar was the emcee, Joe Orth again took great photos. Our tentative schedule was handed out . I hope everyone enjoyed the food and had a good time.
All the trophys were Sponsored by Storm Solution Specialists , Luke Cocoran,which couldn't make it because of Knee surgery, get well quick Luke
Thanks too all who helped with set up , preparation, and completion of our awards banquet
Dennis, Marty, and Eddie

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