News from the Source

Elections, Rule Changes and more occur during the 2019 URC Rules Meeting

Elections, Rule Changes and more occur during the 2019 URC Rules Meeting

LIMERICK, PA – The 2019 United Racing Club rules meeting took place on Tuesday night, November 26, 2019 at the Limerick Diner in Limerick, PA. The annual meeting was open to any and all teams interested in competing with the United Racing Club in 2020, as well as any team that competed in 2019. Thirteen teams from the 2019 season made 51% or more of the twenty-two races making them eligible to vote on the proposed rule changes as well as officer and board positions that were up for election.

First on the docket to be voted upon were rule change proposals. Rule change proposals were able to be submitted by any United Racing Club member and had to be sent in by November 23rd to either Rick Weller or Curt Michael. The first rule change proposal, submitted by Ed Aikin, suggested changing all restarts after the first lap is complete to single file – rather than the current rule which states the club will have double file restarts up until 2 laps to go in the heat or 5 laps to go in the feature. This rule did not pass the member vote therefore securing double file restarts for the 2020 season.

The next rule change proposal was submitted by Rick Weller and suggested limiting the number of redraw positions from 12 to 8 for shows that have 30-40 cars resulting in four heat races. This rule would take the top two from each heat race to the redraw rather than the current rule stating that in the event of four heat races, the top three from each heat race go to the redraw. This rule also did not pass the member vote therefore the club will continue to have 12 redraw spots for nights with four heat races.

The final rule proposal was set forth by Rick Weller and proposed implementing a provisional rule to the rule book. Currently, the United Racing Club offers unlimited provisionals, and if a provisional is needed it is awarded to the driver that sits highest in points that did not qualify. The new rule, that was voted in by the members and will be added to the rule book for 2020 states that once a member uses a provisional, they are moved to the bottom of the list, set by points, that determines who gets a provisional spot. This ensures that the same person cannot use a provisional two times in a row unless they are the only team that does not qualify and is eligible for the provisional.

Finally, when it came to elections, Rick Weller decided to resign from his position as president of the United Racing Club so that his team could focus more on traveling next season. This left the president, vice president, treasurer and board member spots open for election. Ryan Stillwaggon was nominated to run for URC President and was elected into the position. The presidential term is typically 2 years, but Stillwaggon will only serve one year as he will finish out Weller’s term. Curt Michael was once again nominated and elected as Vice President of the United Racing Club – a two-year term. Casey Robicheau was nominated and elected as Treasurer as Kim Weller will also be traveling with the 63 team; Casey will finish out Kim’s term and the treasurer spot will be up for re-election next year. Finally, the board of directors for the United Racing Club was cut from 6 members down to 4. Chris Allen Jr., Dave Betts, and Ryan Stillwaggon finished out their terms, and Bill Unglert resigned from the board. Ed Aikin and Parke Bishop were nominated and elected into the open positions joining Bill Gallagher and Mark Sasso on the board of directors. Aikin and Bishop will both serve a two-year term.

The United Racing Club would like to thank Rick Weller, Kim Weller, Chris Allen Jr., Bill Unglert and Dave Betts for their commitment, time, and contributions to the United Racing Club as a member of the board or as an officer of the club.

The annual meeting was very productive, and the 2020 season is looking promising for the United Racing Club. Races are continually being booked with many tracks across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware and there is a lot of exciting things in the works. Stay tuned to the United Racing Club social media to stay up to date on all information for the 2020 season.

Next up for the Capitol Renegade United Racing Club is the 2019 awards banquet where we will celebrate the season while honoring our series champions Chad Layton and Ritter Racing. The banquet will be held on December 7, 2019 in Breinigsville, PA.

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