News from the Source

Work Day Check List

Work Day Check List

2019 Work Day Projects
Work days start March 2nd at 10 am. Please text or call the person in charge if you can help and/or bring tools needed.

Paul - 660-473-5185
Change Oil in Equipment
Clip trees around pond

Brett - 660-864-5635
Clean up leaves
Lawn Care

Eric - 913-915-0354
Paint bleacher walkways
Paint lawn chair section
Bleacher repair

Jacob - 660-596-4971
Score tower floor

Brian - 660-631-4477
Clean Tech building
Clean and level scales

Kelly - 816-665-8298
Braces on score board

Tara - 660-815-2176
Terry - 660-525-1569
Clean Score Tower
Clean Sign in Shack
Clean Concession Stand

Kevin - 660-641-2552
Check parking lot lights
Check signal lights
Wiring in score tower

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