News from the Source

Chad Warner named official URC photographer for 2019

Chad Warner named official URC photographer for 2019

JANUARY 22, 2019 -- With another successful Motorsports Racecar & Trade Show now in the rearview mirror and the 2019 schedule released, the Capitol Renegade United Racing Club is one step closer to the start of the season.

And locking in a series photographer was next on the checklist of items to secure prior to the start of the new season. Chad Warner will step in as the official URC photographer for the 2019 season.

Warner grew up around racing, his mother taking him to local racetracks as young as a few months old. In 2007, he was able to marry two passions together: motorsports and photography.

Warner said he never had much of an interest in photography and only bought a DSLR camera in 2007 to capture better photography of his family.

“I’ve always been a visual person, liking photographs for as long as I can remember,” he said.

But once Warner took that new camera to the 2007 “Icebreaker” at Lincoln Speedway, he was “hooked immediately” and the rest is history.

For the following two years, Warner shot at local racetracks before succumbing to the “itch” to expand his coverage, now traveling to as many new tracks as possible.

Warner has published photography for both Area Auto Racing News and 3 Wide Media, among others. This year, he will take on the task of shooting the full URC schedule.

“It will be tough with my fulltime work schedule and other events I shoot,” Warner admitted, “but I’m really looking forward to working with this group of teams, getting to a few tracks I haven’t been to in a while and just being more involved in the sport.”

While he shoots other types of events, motorsports remains his passion, and this new venture in 2019 will allow him the chance to meet new people while expanding and covering URC in a positive way.

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