News from the Source

2018 Race season update with new marketing partners

2018 Race season update with new marketing partners

With the 2018 race season fast approaching, we are excited for the upcoming year. Although Brandon most likely won't be released to race till May due to spinal fusion surgery done in Nov 2017. Heidi Shenep, Tim Taylor, Scott Frazier, Chandler Rogers, Brandon, Karen, and myself are working on getting everything set and ready for when the doctor turns him loose. None of this would not be possible without our wonderful sponsors and partners. We would like to thank Shenep Motorsports, Taylor Engineering, Scott Frazier Photography, Wix Filters, and Tractor Supply Company for their support last year and continued support for the 2018 season. We want to welcome on board as partners several new sponsors, R.E. Shocks, RCR Powersports, The BBQ Shop, Boomerang Promotions, and Campbell's Clinic. This will be a fun year and all are welcome to come by and hang out and enjoy the year with us.

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