News from the Source



August 28, 2017
Name: Amy Roberts

  • Amy Roberts has one of the most important jobs on race night, greeting our fans at the main grandstand gate. For most visitors to Bloomington Speedway, she and her sister establish a first impression fans will carry with them all night.
  • Amy has worked at Bloomington Speedway for 15 years continuously, before that she worked off and on, filling in when needed.
  • Hometown is Bloomington.
  • Responsibilities: While Amy collects the small section of the tickets at the gate, Rossane Summers, her sister, works “inside the condo” selling admission tickets. Amy answers a lot of questions and helps new fans find their way around the facility. When fans leave, she stamps their hand so they are able to come back in.

Do you like your work?

  • “Yes, I do, I’ve been here for a while. I like all the people, they’re all nice, some of them have been coming in here for a long time. They say, you’re still here? I don’t remember all the names, but I remember the faces.”

What is the craziest thing that has happened while working at the track?

  • “There used to be this one guy that came here, Jimmy, and he would always come down here and bum cigarettes from me and Rossane. One time right before I opened up the gate, he was standing right beside of me and his pants fell down…all the way to his ankles. I about died. I told him to pull his pants up in front of my customers, that’s what I told him.” (Amy explained that he wore the same pants all the time and the elastic was worn out. She and her sisters bought pants for him at a garage sale.)
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