News from the Source

Oh Holy Moly - What A Night!

Oh Holy Moly - What A Night!
Oh Holy Moly - What A Night!
Oh Holy Moly - What A Night!

One of the newest attractions in Bakersfield is The Karting Experience - and several USAC/CRA were on hand to sign autographs and introduce karters to the world of 410 sprint cars. A large handful of our open wheel driers took to the Kart Track and "schooled" many of the regulars on the talents of racing.
Drivers tuned up and ready to go we all headed to Bakersfield Speedway where 23 cars were on hand for what would prove to be a barn burning race.
Damion once again set quick with Jake finishing up P6. If he could make it through the Heat race in the top 4, he'd start on the pole of the 30 lap Main Event.
The little racy track hadn't seen a non wing 410 sprint car since 2005 and although the track wasn't the raciest for the first 2 heat races - by the time the Main Event rolled off, it was rough, but ended up offering a barn burner of a show. The first 2 heats - had surprise winers - Mike Mccarthy and Kenny Perkins - so a huge congrats to those 2. Heat 3 saw Brody Roa start 6th and shoot out to a large lead, claiming the checkered. Jake started the 3 heat also - unfortunately the inside row kinda forgot to smash the gas and he was stuck toward the back for many laps - finally able to make a few passes and made the transfer position and would start on the Pole for the Main event.
Cars pushing off for the Main - 2 cars tangle before the green flag even dropped.... regrouping and coming down for the green - the field tight tight - and not really being able to see the cars as they exited off of 4 - somehow Jake was all out of shape ( looked from the stands he got hit from behind ? ) hit the outside wall - and rolled part way around the track to then stop in turn 3 - bringing out a yellow -- push truck behind him and into the work area - when all of a sudden Brody exits the track, with what appeared to be a flat tire... the 2 reentered the track and the green was dropped. With the dust being heavy, and fans in the stands straining to see & wondering how in the world the drivers could see, the field of drivers challenged a rough and trying track. Little by little here comes the green 91r of Brody with Jake in the Moosemobile right on his tail. Forward and forward, lap after lap - yellow after yellow , Brody and Jake picked them off one by one. When the checkered flag fell, it was Damion Gardner as the victor - Brody in 2nd - and Jake in 4th!!! What a show!!! Amazing driving by the 2 buddies!!!!!
On to Ventura May 6th - hope to see ya all there!!!!!

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