News from the Source

Car Show

Car Show

This coming weekend, Aman Motorsports will be participating in a small car show at our local Lincoln Children's Zoo. It's a great way to expose our sport to the younger crowd, and also a great way to show the parents a great family sport. It's also a blast for the kids! What kid wouldn't love to sit in an actual race car?!

We will be at the zoo from 10-2 on Saturday and Sunday with our brand new 2016 Stallard SST on display. There will be other racecars there as well, mostly geared toward kids. If you've got a free minute this weekend, stop on by the Lincoln Children's Zoo just South of Capital Parkway on 27th street and say hello!

In addition to the car show, we are just about ready to hit the track, full steam ahead! The car has come together very nicely, and we have just about everything we need to go racing. Once we get a few more odds and ends gathered together, we'll be taking the car to a dyno to get it all tuned up. After that, it's racing time! Our first race is slated for June 25th at either Sweet Springs Raceway or Jefferson County Speedway. That will kick off a very busy schedule for us here at Aman Motorsports. We have a few more special shows we plan on running this year that we didn't last year, as well. So keep an eye on our schedule, posted here, or on our Facebook page, and come watch us battle it out on the dirt ovals of the midwest! Also be sure to come say hello in the pits after the races! See you there!


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