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The Checkers Fall On The 2014 Season - And Prep For The 2015 Green Flag Is Already Underway

The Checkers Fall On The 2014 Season  -  And Prep For The 2015 Green Flag    Is Already Underway
The Checkers Fall On The 2014 Season  -  And Prep For The 2015 Green Flag    Is Already Underway
The Checkers Fall On The 2014 Season  -  And Prep For The 2015 Green Flag    Is Already Underway

Wow – so many words could be used to express this 2014 For Moose Racing!

Right out of the box Jake and team Moose started their quest to impress fans and fellow racers alike. And, trust us, Jake was up for the challenge night in and out, an impressive inaugural year in the Moosemobile! Who would of thought: Fast times, top 5’s, 3rd place podium at Perris, a 360 USAC/West Coast 4th, a 3rd at the 360 Oval Nationals and a Win in his first night out in the 360.!!! Even with the ups and downs of the season, Jake finished 7th in the overall season points in the USAC/CRA season!

The 360 program was a surprise to everyone, including Tom & Laurie. As long time friend, JC, was so impressed with Jake’s abilities, that he purchased a 360 for the team to use, giving Jake more precious track time. JC outta be proud, as that engine proved to be a winner right out of the box.

Thank you’s don’t seem enough for, the dedication and hard work of
the guys that make up the elbow grease of Moose Racing. Jim, Dave, Jimmy, Chris & Rich. All day Saturday, a long day on Sunday & atleast 1 or 2 evenings a week. If you have ever had a chance to watch this group there is an amazing chemistry between these guys.

None of this could have been possible without the support of many people and companies. Huntington Beach Glass & Mirror, George at Ram/Bull, who has far surpassed the teams wildest dreams. The announcement from George that his involvement come 2015 is tremendously increased was unbelievable news. George extended his generosity by presenting Tom & Laurie with funds to go towards the purchase of the new Kistler 410 engine! Pretty unbelievable!! All of the support from Phil & Eileen King, JC, Specialized Powder Coating, ARS, Lucas Oil, Circle Track, Rod End Supply, Freeway Auto Supply, K & N, CRC & Simpson, is so greatly appreciated. Team Moose is excited to welcome you all back to the herd come 2015.

With all that said – the team has already stripped the cars, sent parts off to be checked, engines to RC for check ups and chassis’s to Victory for some minor little tweaks.

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