News from the Source

More Bad Luck For "THE BULLET"

More Bad Luck For "THE BULLET"

After 21 events, The Bullet has amassed 6 wins and 14 top 5s. This sounds amazing considering the 12 year old plays travel baseball and is required to do all of his own maintenance! However, with a staggering 6 DNFs and 3 engine issues, his chances for another track championship are diminishing.

When asked about all the bad luck he said, “I don’t know, it’s part of racing I guess. It’s just really hard sometimes and I feel like I’m letting my sponsors and fans down.” He felt like the tides had turned when 5 straight DNFs turned into 3 consecutive wins and his 1st ever NOW600 A Main appearance only to be pulled back by another DNF!

He went into the last race +10 on second place in points and left -25, with 2 races to go its anyones crown to take. Will he rally and regain the top spot at Warren County Speedway? Will he finally get this monkey off his back? I don’t know if he will win the championship, but I do know he wont go down without a fight!

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