News from the Source

Rule Changes Effective Immediately

Rule Changes Effective Immediately

Effective immediately, the following rules will be implemented into The WFO Winged
Outlaw Series.


  • A race shall be considered complete once the event has reached the halfway
    point and will be paid out in purse and points as a completed event.
  • If an event rains out after the main event has been posted and before the halfway
    point has been reached, that event’s purse will be paid out equally to each main
    event starter and the last place points (100) will be awarded to each main event
    starter, this race will be considered complete.
  • If a race rains out before the heats and semi featured have been completed the
    race will be rescheduled, in the case a race is not rescheduled the entry fees
    collected by WFO will be returned to the participants and no points will be
  • If a competitor does a 360, the yellow flag will be displayed, and the car will be
    put to the back of his or her race.
  • We do not have a 2-spin rule, however if the driver continues to delay the
    program the WFO competition director can park the car for that event.


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