News from the Source

Bill Gardner Sprintacular and the "R" Word

Bill Gardner Sprintacular and the "R" Word

The “R” word. In racing circles, it is the source of frustration for promoters, participants, and
fans. It is such a touchy subject that the mere mention of the word, even in the face of unstable weather
is considered taboo. In all things the late Bill Gardner looked reality straight in the eye and never blinked.
Accordingly, he wasn’t afraid to discuss rain at all. That is, when it suited his purposes. Yes, odd as it
sounds rain, or the “R” word is central to the legend of the creation of the Bill Gardner Sprintacular.
The story begins when the Spiker’s met Gardner at a Fillmore, Indiana diner. They had a simple
proposition. The time had come to name a race in Bill’s honor. It was a fitting tribute to a man who had
given far more to racing than he ever took from it. Now it was time for a verbal tug-of-war and a test of
wills. The Spiker’s made their pitch, but Gardner continued to deflect the idea with a shake of his head.
What followed is the interpersonal equivalent of two rams butting each other with their horns with no
intention of backing down. Finally getting a bit exasperated Joe Spiker said, “Look Bill, we would just like
to honor you.” Unfazed, but trying a new ploy Gardner retorted, “It will just rain.”
Now the gloves were off. What followed is the story of an emerging “R” word. This is the tale of a
rivalry between two determined friends. Like a drumbeat Joe and Jill Spiker persisted. In 2014 Bill
Gardner finally relented, but he was not going down without a fight. “You can put my name on the race,”
he said, “but I will just make it rain.” Anyone who has observed Joe Spiker in action knows he was
destined to get the last word. Quick with a retort, Joe said, “you can make it rain. But we will still get the
race in.”
In the history of this event only one night has been lost to rain, and one was rescheduled. Every
racetrack will throw up the white flag at some point over the course of an Indiana summer. However,
when it comes to this weekend the key players know the drill. Even if Mother Nature throws Lincoln Park
Speedway an unwelcome curveball, no one is backing down. This weekend is too special. Why? Because
Bill Gardner never stopped fighting, and because of that you can bet the staff at Lincoln Park Speedway
are prepared to go to the mat on this one. Gardner threw the gauntlet down and the Spikers accepted
the challenge. This is a rivalry. This is the “R” word. This is a grudge match. There is no way this crew
would ever just roll over and throw up their hands during the Bill Gardner Sprintacular. To do so would
discredit the memory of one of our sport’s best patrons and boosters.

Note: Picture is from 2016 after a rain storm where racing resumed shortly after some track work.

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