News from the Source

Ups and Downs in Texas

Ups and Downs in Texas

Jack and crew headed south to Texas last week end, with not only a fresh new RoushYates motor but a new car scheme as well. The car looks great and sounds even better.

Jack started out the week end at Golden Triangle Raceway Park in Beaumont Texas on Friday night, where he would land in one of the toughest and most stacked heat races around, and would have to start dead last. With a poorly set up car, and a one lane race track, Jack was only able to pick up one position, which would guarantee him a starting spot in the B Feature.

Jack started 5 the in the 2nd B Feature, and was able to finish 2nd and earn a spot in the A Feature, where he worked himself into a 10th place finish. Not bad considering how the evening started.

The crew headed back towards Houston on Saturday for night 2 at Battleground Speedway in Highlands Texas, where Jack once again would draw high and find himself at the back of another stacked heat race. But this night, Jack was up on the wheel, and took the bright yellow and black machine forward, to finish 3rd and be the highest points earner for the night.

In the redraw, Jack drew#3, and would be starting the A Feature on the inside of the 2nd row. Jack felt he had a car to win, but just as the green flag flew, Jack would see his chances of that going up in dirt you might say, as the pole setter, spun his mount around exiting turn 2 and collected Jack and 2 other cars. Jack thought he flipped 2 or 3 times. They towed his crippled car to the work area, where Jack’s crew went to work at a furious pace and after replacing a top wing, nose wing and front axle, Jack was back on the track and ready to restart the race. Jack struggled a bit, as there were still issues with his crippled car, but Jack held on for a 13th place finish, which enabled him to remain in the 10th position with National ASCS.

It was not the type of week end JDR was hoping for, but being able to maintain his National ASCS point position, and now knowing how good his new motor runs, Jack is very excited to get back in the shop, make the necessary repairs, and is VERY excited about returning to one of his favorite race tracks this week end, Eagle Raceway for the Ice Breaker.

Rumor has it, that Tony Stewart may be in the house this week end at Eagle, NE, and Jack was flattered that he received a call last week to let Tony drive one of his extra cars, but at this time, there just is not enough equipment available to provide Tony with a car. Tony will be bringing his familiar #14 sprint car. We hope he shows, as Jack always likes to race against Tony, and it would be a great promotional tool for Eagle Raceway as well.

JDR would once again like to extend a very BIG thank you to some key Sponsors and supporters who have made so much happen for JDR in the last few weeks. Special thanks to Luke at Home Pride Companies, Pete at Certified Transmission, Jeff and Chris at RoushYates Racing Engines, Jason and his crew at JJR, and a HUGE thanks to Stan, John and Joe at Speedway Graphics, who basically dropped everything last week, to give Jack such a great looking car. In addition thanks to ALL of our Sponsors, supporters, Suppliers, and crew members who make this all, happen.

JDR will have the new # 53 on display this Thursday afternoon at Inland Truck Repair, 9944 S 136th , Omaha, NE. So stop by and take a look at the new wrap on the car and of course get a good look at the new RoushYates Ford motor.

See you soon.


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